Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
EcoSuperior's mission is to build a healthy future for people and the planet.
This mission cannot be achieved without recognizing how inequality, systemic racism, and oppression of all kinds are woven into the fabric of our society. Additionally, we need to examine how we are complicit in systemic racism, and other forms of oppression, and commit to interrupting this complicity.
With humility, we as an organization, are committed to the ongoing journey of reconciliation, and to practicing and designing anti-racist, diversity, and inclusion culture guidelines, in the way we operate internally and interact with our community. We plan to do this through an ongoing process of intention, deep listening, reflection, dialogue, and most importantly, action. This will include amplifying voices in the environmental justice and social justice movements, which we acknowledge are inextricably linked.
Along with our mission, we aim to contribute to co-creating a loving, supportive, and inclusive community, connected to the places we live, which is in turn, healthy for all species, and the planet itself.

“Our future, and the well-being of all our children rests with the kind of relationships we build today.”